Annual Report to the Community

2017 Thank You


Helping People Live Their Best Lives


We understand the importance that accountability, transparency and quantifiable results have for donors seeking assurance that their financial support will be utilized wisely.


Based on our most recent financial reports, United Way of Northern Ozaukee has demonstrated our ability to efficiently manage and grow our finances, as well as execute our mission in a fiscally responsible way. Donors can rest assured that United Way of Northern Ozaukee is carrying out its mission to improve the health, education, and financial stability of  every person in Ozaukee County: From struggling families, to vulnerable youth, to seniors seeking support, United Way of Northern Ozaukee improves lives.  


As an important community member we are attaching a copy of our 2023-24 Annual Report to the Community. We hope that as you review it you will see how working together with local agencies, your gifts are empowering people to make more positive changes in their lives. We invest time in understanding the needs of the community and work in concert with other local agencies to deliver sustainable programs that make a difference in so many lives in our community.


Our pledge to you is that we will continue to invest your gift strategically in local agencies, programs and services with the goal of helping local people live their best lives. 


With gratitude,

Barbara Bates-Nelson, Executive Director


Read Our 2023-2024 Annual Report 


Previous Annual Reports

2022-23 Annual Report
2021-22 Annual Report

2020-21 Annual Report

2019-20 Annual Report

2018-19 Annual Report

2017-18 Annual Report

2016-17 Annual Report 

2015-16 Annual Report

2014-15 Annual Report

2013-14 Annual Report