Homelessness Prevention Program

Homeless Prevention

United Way of Northern Ozaukee recognizes that homelessness is a complex issue that requires a multi prong investment strategy.  United Way of Northern Ozaukee participates in the Ozaukee County Continuum of Care Coalition which is comprised of non-profit, government and business leaders to provide stabile housing for struggling families.  Our goal is a future in which homelessness is rare, brief, and prevented.

We are investing your dollars in preventing homelessness by providing short term rent assistance as well as helping them to overcome the barriers that can get in the way of long term stable housing.  Our Community Services Navigator provides short term case management to help community members access critical resources and services including employment, substance misuse, recovery, and mental health support.  

 Without stable and affordable housing and food, local families are having difficulty managing their daily lives. These stresses can lead to health issues, home-life disruptions, relationship conflicts, frequent relocations, school absences, and job losses. Increasing household stability will lead to greater economic and job stability, improved health and academic performance for children, and a better community for all

Do you need help?

If you, or someone you know, is at risk of losing your home, the Ozaukee County Homelessness Prevention Program could help.

If you are homeless and it is after hours, CALL 262 268-2723

Homelessness in Ozaukee County

 UWNO commissioned a study on homelessness in Ozaukee County back in 2015, 2019, and 2020 to strategically identify the need for services surrounding homelessness and homeless prevention.  

The 2020 report illustrated that our homeless picture is different than other counties in southeastern Wisconsin. The data indicated that in Ozaukee County we do not have high numbers of people who are literally homeless, living on the street, or in places that are not fit for human habitation. The picture that emerged indicated that we have people who are at imminent risk of becoming homeless. These are people who have experienced a job loss, unexpected medical bills, or a rent increase they cannot afford.

Please read the full report to learn more about what steps we are taking to develop a strong homeless prevention network to keep people in their homes. We are looking for key stakeholders that will expand our network and broaden our capacity to end homelessness. If you are interested in participating, contact Barbara Bates-Nelson at 248-613-7855 or email at unitedwayno@gmail.com

2020 Update on Homelessness in Ozaukee County Report

2015 Update on Homelessness in Ozaukee County Report