Portal inc. is celebrating 55 years of providing services and supports to individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities. The organization’s primary purpose is assisting individuals with disabilities to become valuable employees at area businesses. In addition, Portal provides a variety of opportunities for people to experience quality living through life skills education, volunteering and social/recreation activities. Building relationships with community members, accessing resources and participating in all the community has to offer is fundamental to Portal’s delivery of services.
United Way of Northern Ozaukee-Funded Program: Community Connections & Employment Skills
Portal’s Community Connections and Employments Skills Program is a community-based program that helps high school students with intellectual/developmental disabilities build skills for their transition to adult life, including employment following high school graduation. The program addresses two focus areas: education and income. Students learn about a variety of industries and skills needed for successful employment, including “soft” skills. They participate in hands-on experiences to learn and explore different types of jobs. As the students acquire skills, they take steps toward finding and keeping a job for financial stability. United Way also supports a similar program for adults ages 22-55.
Portal, Inc. assists more than 200 adults with disabilities by providing valuable job training and support, community and life skills learning, and meaningful, integrated social recreational opportunities.
- 73% of individuals employed within Ozaukee County businesses are earning above minimum wag
- 96% of individuals maintain their job for more than 6 months
- 80% of students who participate in our Community Connections and Employment Skills program have at least two paid work experiences or a job hire within six months of completing Division of Vocational Rehabilitation requirements and high school graduation.
- 100% of employers give a satisfaction rating of good or excellent with their employee and services.
- 100% of individuals (employees) give a satisfaction rating of good or excellent with their employer and services.
To learn more about how Portal is improving lives for people with disabilities, go to portalinc.org.