To provide educational opportunities to incarcerated adults through compassionate delivery of services and community support in a secular, non-discriminatory educational environment
United Way of Northern Ozaukee-Funded Program: Improving Education & Workplace Skills
Ozaukee Jail Literacy Program provides educational opportunities for incarcerated adults, whether to improve their literacy or earn their GED/HSED. Through these opportunities, the inmates learn the importance of education and goal setting, improve their personal and employment potential, earn their GED/HSED, and gain a sense of self-worth and accomplishment. All of these skills ultimately lead to the reduction of recidivism.
The program is evaluated by the ongoing use of standardized TABE 11 and 12 (Test of Adult Basic Education), which measures students’ academic levels upon enrollment and again when students complete a subject and/or leave the program. The expected outcome is students will demonstrate growth in a subject and increase their TABE scores.
In 2019, of the 36 students who were administered post-TABE tests:
- 15 increased their grade levels by one grade
- 6 increased their scores by 2 grade levels
- 1 increased his score by 3 grade levels
- 8 remained at the same grade level
- 6 students were not post-TABEd because they remained in the program into January 2020
Of those who take GED tests, 94.5% pass, which is 22.5% higher than the state pass rate.
To learn more about how Ozaukee Jail Literacy is setting inmates up for success, go to ozaukeejailliteracy.org.