To provide community awareness and understanding of the issues affecting individuals living with mental illness; and to improve the quality of life for those living with a mental illness and their families through advocacy, education and support.
United Way of Northern Ozaukee-Funded Program: Family to Family Education Program
The Family-to-Family Education Program is evidence-based training designed to provide support, resources and information for family members and caretakers who are affected by mental illness. NAMI-trained family members who have family members living with mental illness teach the course. The 12-week training includes information on illnesses like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression, PTSD and anxiety disorders; medication; problem solving; communication; and treatment options.
100% of the participants in the spring and fall 2019 Family-to-Family classes agreed or strongly agreed that after attending the class, they were better able to:
- Recognize the signs and symptoms of mental illness
- Understand the type of services people with mental illness need
- Manage crises that may result from symptoms of mental illness
To learn more about how NAMI is changing the lives of people with mental illness, go to Namiozaukee.org.