To alleviate hunger in Ozaukee County with dignity and compassion.
United Way of Northern Ozaukee-Funded Program: Food Distribution Program
Family Sharing provides food, at no charge, to people in need in Ozaukee County. Pantry participants are able to choose pantry staples, fresh vegetables, frozen meats, deli and dairy items. Family Sharing believes giving participants the power to choose their grocery items reinforcing the agency's mission: to alleviate hunger in Ozaukee County with dignity and compassion. In addition to food, pantry participants are able to receive clothing, furniture and household items at no charge from the organization’s Resale Shop. Approximately 34% of those served by Family Sharing are children under the age of 18.
- In 2019, over 376,000 lbs. of food was distributed to people in need in Ozaukee County.
- Over $69,000 worth of beds, clothing, furniture and other goods were given to pantry clients in need.
To learn more about Family Sharing, visit familysharingozaukee.org.