United Way of Northern Ozaukee is a uniting force for good. We're a volunteer-driven charitable organization that serves communities in Ozaukee County, Wisconsin. We invest in nonprofit programs that empower people to improve their lives through Education, Financial Stability, and Health. These are the building blocks for a good life. We're a funder, partner, convener, and catalyst for creating positive and lasting change.
We believe in:
- Building strong relationships between those who have needs and those we can help.
- Positively impacting people’s lives.
- Solving community problems by working together.
- Being good stewards of our resources.
- Improving lives and community conditions in measurable and lasting ways.
- Helping people become self-sufficient in meeting their own needs.
- Keeping money in our local communities.
- Building better lives.
- Helping people directly.
- Strong integrity.
- Encouraging prevention and early intervention.
To promote giving to build a stronger and healthier community
We envision a community where everyone achieves their full potential through Education, Financial Stability and Health.
- Staff: one paid staff memer, Executive Director
- 200 volunteers help with all phases of the operation.
The dollars that are raised here, stay here in Ozaukee County. Over 85% of the money raised goes right back into the community, invested in community programs.
Our board: 16-21 business leaders and community volunteers who live and work in Ozaukee County. They understand that despite our high median household incomes, many individuals and families struggle to meet basic needs. When it comes to allocating donated funds, they are committed stewards.