Getting Started on your Workplace Campaign
It's employee campaign time and our funded partners are a vital source of donations for 2024-25. Please contact your local United Way for more information or email Barbara Bates-Nelson, executive director of United Way of Northern Ozaukee, at unitedwayno@gmail.com for help on making your employee campaign a success!
Most employees appreciate having an opportunity to invest in their community – and employee campaigns are the easiest and most efficient ways to do it. Employee giving provides a sizable share of the annual community campaign dollars. It is by that “sharing” that so much is accomplished. Furthermore, employees have fun. From bake sales to chili cook-offs, companies consistently find novel ways to raise those needed dollars while building camaraderie and team spirit!
Tools & Resources
We have a variety of campaign resources available to make your campaign a success. Click the links below to see this year's campaign materials. If you would like hard copies for your campaign or need additional resources, contact Barbara Bates-Nelson at unitedwayno@gmail.com or call 248-613-7855.
Campaign Payroll Deduction Form (Printable PDF)
Workplace Campaign Payroll Deduction Form