In 2022 In Ozaukee County there were:
550 reports of possible child abuse.
359 reports of possible elder abuse, including: neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse and self-neglect.
4,952 households received food share
7,385 people qualified for medical assistance.
1,616 households received heat assistance and 1,488 received energy assistance and 317 households received paid crisis assistance through Energy Services.
55 youth were placed in group homes, foster homes, correction facilities or other living arrangements.
517 clients received help at Advocates. 2,177 nights of shelter for adults & children; 5,941 adult counseling & advocacy contacts; 629 child counseling & advocacy contacts and 1,005 crisis & hotline calls.
73 divorces that involved children.
11,593 transportation services to seniors by Interfaith Caregivers.
10,771 calls to the COPE Hotlines.
4,030 people received help at Ozaukee Family Services
This is the proverbial “tip of the ice berg”. This does not take into consideration the families whose lives have been turned upside down by substance abuse, teen pregnancy, suicide, or those who have the additional challenge of a family member with disabilities or serious illness. Not to mention the everyday stress of relationship problems, violence or grief.
Thanks to our Partners at Ozaukee Family Services for compiling the data.