The Community Impact Fund was set up to help provide seed money to partner agencies in order to address a gap in service or cover an unmet critical need. Since 2021, we have continued to advance and invest into the Community Services Navigator Program. UWNO has an arrangement with Advocates of Ozaukee to provide HR and program support and UWNO reimburses program expenses at 100%; It is currently the only program that UWNO funds at 100%. In 2023, we received ARPA funding from Ozaukee County which allowed us to build infrastructure and sustainability support without jeopardizing any of our thirteen partner programs that we help support. All UWNO hosted events such as the Annual Ozaukee "Scramblin for Funds" outing, will be reinvested back into the CSN Program.
Over the last several years, we have experienced significant growth and success with our Community Services Navigator initiative. The CSN program bridges a gap between community services and has provided a more comprehensive and coordinated delivery of services: One in which has produced increased client engagement and improved client experience, increased collaboration among service providers, and created a sustainable lifesaving program. THUS, resulting in better health and well-being outcomes for those clients utilizing the service. As of September 2024, the program served 173 households, comprising 358 total people.
The top four areas of need are:
Housing – 86 households successfully addressed their needs related to housing, including immediate shelter, rental assistance, and applications for subsidized housing.
Financial & Material Assistance – 36 households successfully addressed their need for assistance with childcare, utilities, and food, amongst other things.
Health & Safety – 19 households successfully addressed needs related to health and safety, enhancing their overall mental and physical wellbeing.
Transportation – 18 households successfully addressed transportation barriers, allowing clients to access healthcare services, employment, educational opportunities, and social services.
Referral Process:
Ozaukee County residents are welcome to reach out to the Community Services Navigator on their own. CSN does not require a referral from another agency to begin working with someone.
If you are a professional or volunteer from another agency, and you would like to fill out a referral form, please click here.
Phone: 262-618-2192 ext. 171
Email: csn@advocates-oz.org
For all the latest from the Community Services Navigator, please check out our Facebook page!
Success Story:
CSN worked with a gentleman who was on leave from his job of almost 20 years due to a debilitating mental illness. His short-term disability payments had run out, so he had no income, but he still had his health benefits, and his employer was being supportive. He was accepted into an intensive outpatient treatment program in Milwaukee, his insurance would cover the cost of it, and after the 6-to-8-week program, he planned to return to work. The problem was that his vehicle was not worth fixing, he had junked it, and he had no way of getting to and from Milwaukee 5 days a week. Sarah was able to help him apply for state health insurance, and by carrying that secondary coverage until he goes back to work, he got access to free transportation services to and from treatment each day. She also got him connected with a food pantry, advocated for him to receive some emergency rental assistance, and shared with him information about a loan program that could assist him with getting a new vehicle when he was ready to return to work.